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Products that have MARC records:
JSTOR works with OCLC to offer free, high-quality MARC records in OCLC Worldshare Collection Manager for the following products:
- Journals
- Books
All records include the JSTOR Stable URL for each title in the 856 field. At this time we do not provide MARC records for primary sources, images, or research reports.
If you want the records corresponding to a journal collection (e.g. JSTOR Arts & Sciences I) and you are an OCLC Cataloging Partner, you can search for and find the journal collection in OCLC WorldShare Collection Manager and manually select it.
Due to a low volume, it can take several weeks to complete serials cataloging. This may be why you would not see new collections right away.
If you are not an OCLC Cataloging Partner, you can download a KBART file for your institution's holdings.
Books at JSTOR are updated via the Holdings Feed or autoload process. You can learn more about the OCLC Holdings feed in Content Management: Understanding the JSTOR Holdings Feed. The MARC records are available to all participating institutions, regardless of whether they are OCLC affiliates. An OCLC Symbol must be on file with JSTOR to start this process.
You can download sample MARC records in .mrc format.
OCLC Collection Manager Quick Start Guide
JSTOR and OCLC have worked together to provide this detailed guide to setting up OCLC Collection Manager and retrieving MARC records for Books at JSTOR.
We also provide the OCLC Collection Manager guide in the following languages: