Holdings Feed Overview
Every Friday JSTOR provides OCLC with a file that lists all of the books to which you have access. We call this the Holdings Feed or Autoload. This feed will select and populate the relevant Books at JSTOR Collections in your Collection Manager. You can refer to JSTOR's OCLC Help Page for more information about getting started in Collection Manager.
Collection Manager uses this feed to determine the MARC records you receive.
Types of MARC Records
The types of MARC records files include:
- NEW: records that have not been seen in this collection before
- UPDATE: records that have new or updated metadata
- MERGES: this is a subset of update records reserved for when records under different OCNs (OCLC Numbers) are merged
- DELETES: these files are received when the holdings file removes an item from a specific collection
Events that Trigger Record Deliveries
Events that could trigger record deliveries include:
- PURCHASE: If you trigger a purchase from the DDA or EBA Collection, you will receive a delete file for the corpus collection and a new file to add it to the All Purchased Collection. Note: there may be up to two weeks of lag between when a purchase is triggered and when the records are received.
- PROFILE CHANGE: Any changes that impact your DDA profile could also trigger a file to be delivered. At the beginning of the new fiscal year is when many publishers update their pricing (January and July usually) which can eliminate titles from your DDA Corpus. Changing your selections from backlist to frontlist or vice versa, as well as narrowing or expanding subject areas could also trigger a file. These would result in receiving delete files for the eliminated titles or new files for added titles.
- MOVING: Sometimes items move from one collection to another. Most often, this happens when a publisher decides to convert a book to Open Access. In those cases, you would receive a delete file for the current collection and a new file for the Open Access Collection.
- METADATA CHANGE: Sometimes an OCN or ISBN or other metadata related to a title can be updated. Most often this will result in an Update file being sent to the affected collection, however, in some cases it can also result in a Delete file for the outdated record and a New file to replace it.
Collection Manager is a self-correcting system, but there may be lag between when a delete file is received and when its replacement file is received. For example, in one delivery you may receive a delete file for your DDA collection and the next week receive a new file for the same title in your All Purchased Collection. If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to JSTOR Support, OCLC Support, or review more information in the Collection Manager Help Center or OCLC Community Center.