What's in this article:
What to do when you find that an article or journal issue is missing:
JSTOR relies on a number of sources to support our goal of online access to a complete back run. Publishers provide issues they have available, and we make every reasonable effort to acquire any missing issues through purchases from third-party vendors.
Do you see a journal that's missing an issue? Contact us to see if we have found a replacement. Note that in some cases, it may not be possible for us to find or upload missing content.
Contributing Missing Content
In some instances when there are issues that we don't have on the platform, libraries, societies, and individuals have been invaluable in helping to complete journal back runs through donations and loans.
We very much appreciate the generosity of libraries and other sources willing to donate and/or lend needed materials for digitization. If you are in a position to help, or have any questions about a particular issue that you believe is missing, please contact us.