In this article:
How to set up SAML for your institution
If your institution is ready to get started using SAML, you will need the following from JSTOR:
Our SP entityID:
JSTOR belongs to the SAML federations listed below. We automatically ingest Metadata provided by InCommon and EduGain. If your institution belongs to one of these federations, we require that you release your metadata through one of the two.
Federation | Country | Metadata |
eduGAIN | Federation Membership Organization | Metadata |
InCommon | United States | Metadata |
OpenAthens | Multiple Countries | Metadata |
DFN-AAI | Germany | Metadata |
Studentnet | Australia | Metadata |
Use the WAYFless URL Generator in the box below to create a WAYFless URL.
What we need from you
Your entityID
Please send us your entityID to
SAML assertions
To set up access, release of an attribute value in your metadata is required. There are different options here: eduPersonScopedAffiliation is preferred, but we also support eduPersonEntitlement.
If you wish to use eduPersonEntitlement, or if you wish to allocate resources as described below, please specify the attribute and values to our support team. Otherwise, we will require that users must have at least one eduPersonScopedAffiliation attribute, with any value.
Using metadata attributes to allocate resources
If you want to allocate different JSTOR resources across different campuses, departments, or affiliated user groups (such as current students vs. alumni) you can use metadata attributes to do this in the following ways:
By department
eduPersonEntitlement: present a URI that distinguishes the department from others at the school.
By role (student vs. alum vs. staff, etc.)
eduPersonScopedAffiliation: present a URI that distinguishes between groups that need to receive different access.
Example: and
By campus
eduPersonScopedAffiliation: present a URI that distinguishes between campuses that need to receive different access.
Example: and
When you are ready to set us your SAML, email us your entityID and let us know if you need access provisioned across different groups, campuses, or departments.
Consult the following external resources to learn more:
OpenAthens Redirector
If your institution uses OpenAthens, you may also use OpenAthens Redirector to create links to content on JSTOR. For these links to work correctly, we must first have the following information on file for your institution:
- Your Entity ID
- You can check if we have this information for your institution by logging into JSTOR Admin with an account that has administrative permissions and looking under the SAML tab on the Access Methods page.
- Your metadata attributes (if applicable)
If you have any questions, please contact JSTOR Support with your Entity ID and attributes.