About the Publisher Sales Service
More than 1,000 journals have single articles or issues for sale through JSTOR. Fees for those articles represent a price set by the publisher plus a flat fee to cover JSTOR’s costs for providing the service. Please contact JSTOR Support with any questions about this program.
How to purchase an article or issue
Articles that are available to purchase will have a "Purchase article" button shown in the drop-down list that appears when clicking on the "Alternate access options" button. You will see a specific price cited here. It will look like this:
Once you press the "Purchase article" button, you'll get a pop-up window. On the left side, you'll see up to two links: one for purchasing the individual article, and another for purchasing the full issue if available. The right side of the pop-up outlines the process.
When you click on a purchase option, you will be prompted to create an account or sign into your existing JSTOR account to continue with your purchase. Once you have done this, accept the JSTOR Terms and Conditions and click the "Check Out" button to continue the purchase process through PayPal (for more information please see the steps outlined here.)
How to access purchased content
To find your purchased article:
- Go to www.jstor.org and make sure you’re logged in. To check, look for your name in the top-right of the screen. If your name is not displaying, "Log in" and enter your information.
- Go to your Purchase History. To get there, hover your cursor over your name in the top-right of the page and choose “Purchase History” from the drop-down menu.
- To read the article online, click on the article title in the Purchase History list. This will take you to the article page.
- To download a PDF, click the “Download” button on the article page or on the "Purchase History" page. The article will appear in a new window. The first page is the cover page, so be sure to scroll down to see the actual text of the article. At this point, you can save the document to your computer or print it.
Note: when you purchase an article or issue in this way, we will not mail you a print copy. PayPal requires mailing address information for billing purposes.